Rapids Cemetery

Stop 7 – Decorative Flower Border East

Decorative Flower Border East

By 2016, years of neglect had led to loitering and unsupervised activity. Wild vegetation, raspberry bushes and vines overgrew this location which was already littered with many broken bottles.

During the second year, a complete eradication process by Scouting and volunteer groups was undertaken to destroy unwanted roots. Wild garlic grew back after the first year prompting a “Mother’s Day Garlic Frolic” to uproot the remaining invasive examples. Decorative gravel helped define a restored daylily plot and outline the eastern garden border.

After weeding and removing debris, the bare ground was covered with cardboard in 2017 to stop weed regrowth and promote soil development for a new garden. The eastern garden blends here with the larger Meditation Garden providing an area for reflection with a lush backdrop for outdoor events.

Hostas, daylilies and bleeding hearts enrich this area. Two successive years of volunteerism by Scout groups and college volunteers restored the land with donations of flowers by neighbors and the City of Rochester.