Rapids Cemetery

Stop 12 – Bartlett Family Plot

Bartlett Family Plot

Here lies the Bartlett Family, Abigail, Almira W, Cyrus S, Cyrus W, Elliott Sr. and Harriett Bartlett.

Eliot Bartlett Sr. (1759-?)

Eliot Bartlett [Sr.] was baptized 30 Dec 1759 in Bolton, Tolland Co., CT, son of Gershom Bartlett & Margaret (Dart?). Gershom was a noted carver of gravestones in CT & VT. He moved to the frontier town of Norwich, Windsor Co, VT by 1771. In 1780 & 1781, an Eliot/Elet Bartlet appears on the pay rolls of Captain Timothy Bush’s Company in Vermont. This company was primarily composed of men from Windsor Co., VT whose names subsequently appeared on the 1790 census.

Served: 1. Engaged as a private January 24, 1780 and served 19 days. Pay was a total of 8 pounds, 18 shillings and 8 pence. (A pay roll of Timothy Bush’s company, under the direction of Maj. Whitcomb, Jan 21, 1780) 2. Engaged as a private October 16, 1780 and served 3 days. Pay was a total of 17 shillings and 4 pence. Also on this list were Eliot’s father Gershom and uncle Jonathan. (A pay roll of Capt. Timothy Bush’s company, under the direction of Col. Peter Olcott at the time the enemy came to Royalton. October 16th, 1780) 3. Engaged as a private March 9, 1781 and served 2 days. Pay was a total of 6 shillings and 8 pence. Also on this list were Eliot’s uncles Joseph & Jonathan. (A pay roll of part Capt. Timothy Bush’s company who marched by order of Col. Peter Olcott at the time when the enemy came to Peacham, under the command of Lieut. John Hopson, March 9, 1781) [A side note of interest: Captain Timothy Bush was an ancestor of Presidents G.H.W. & G.W. Bush. About 1810, Timothy moved to Cayuga Co., NY and died in Springport in 1815.]

Eliot married Abigail “Nabby” Wright on 27 Nov 1782 in Norwich, Windsor Co., VT. They had at 11 known children born in Norwich, six of whom are confirmed as having come to Gates. NY.

The Bartletts were early settlers in Gates: “Among others who had settled in the town [Gates] previous to 1817 were Lowell Thomas, Ira Wait, and on the Rapids road Orange Bartlett, with Elliott [Jr], Cyrus, and Ira Bartlett…” (excerpted from History of Monroe County, New York by W. H. McIntosh, 1877, page 201.) The Bartlett sons start appearing as heads-of-households in Gates in 1820. Eliot Sr. and Abigail left VT sometime after the 1820 census. Eliot Sr. and son Ira purchased property in lot 43 in Gates in 1828. Two Eliot Bartletts appear as heads- of-households in the 1830 census of Gates – therefore, Sr & Jr. There are no Eliot Bartletts in the 1830 Windsor Co., VT census.

The eldest son, Eliot Jr. married Waity Lewis in Norwich on 16 Jan 1810. He purchased property in lot 33, Gates in 1819 and appears as a head-of-household in the 1820, 1830 and 1840 Gates censuses. He and wife Waity appear in the 1850, 1855 and 1860 Gates censuses.

All known surviving members of the Bartlett clan moved away from Gates. Orange Bartlett returned to VT before 1830. Eliot Jr. and Ira went to Shiawassee Co., Michigan sometime around 1863.