Richardson Family Plot
George Olive (1818-1901)
George Olive was born in June 1818 in Mayfield, England, emigrated to the US about 1838 and subsequently became a naturalized citizen. He settled in the Town of Greece, Monroe Co, NY where he engaged in his trade of harness making. Likely about 1849, George married Harriet Richardson who had a young son, William H. Richardson, born in Canada. The Olives lived in Greece until 1874 when their property was annexed into the City of Rochester. George continued to work as a harness maker from a residence on Lake Avenue even after Harriet died in 1885. In October 1897, George was temporarily admitted to the County Poor House on grounds of senility and destitution. Thereafter, he resided with his stepson William Richardson until his death on 27 January 1901 at the age of 83 years. He was buried in Rapids Cemetery on January 30th.
Harriet Richardson (1820-1885)
Harriet Richardson was born about 1820 in England. At an unknown date, she emigrated to Canada where her son William was born in 1846. Prior to 1850, she moved to New York and married George Olive of Greece. Harriet died on 14 December 1885 at the family residence on Lake Avenue in Rochester. In addition to her husband and son, she was survived by a brother and a sister residing in Canada. Harriet was buried on December 16th at Rapids Cemetery.
Myra Emma Loomis (1847-1908)
Myra Emma Loomis, daughter of Isaac Loomis and Lydia Chapman, was born 16 Apr 1847 in Rochester. She was raised with her two sisters in the family home on Atkinson Street. At age 20, she married William H. Richardson on 10 July 1867 and settled with him in Greece, NY. Her only child, Daniel Loomis Richardson, was born there on 4 October 1868. Myra died on 28 Dec 1908 and was subsequently buried in Rapids Cemetery.
William Henry Richardson (1846-1915)
William Henry Richardson was born February 1846 in Canada. He came to the US with his mother Harriet about 1849. He grew up in the Town of Greece, Monroe Co, NY and learned the trade of harness making from his stepfather, George Olive. By mid-1865, William was married to Mary (maiden name unknown) and had a nine-month-old son, George. They resided with the Olives in Greece. The fate of Mary and George is not known but William married Myra Loomis in July 1867. Their son Daniel was born in Greece in 1868. By 1870, William and family were living with Myra’s parents on Atkinson Street and he was studying to be an architect under the supervision of his father-in-law Isaac Loomis (STOP 17). In 1872, Isaac and William formed a partnership that operated from an office in Smith’s Arcade. William and Myra moved to their own house on Troup Street in 1873 where they lived until 1876 before moving back in with Isaac and Lydia. William continued to work with Isaac until about 1886. In the early 1890s he briefly partnered with Herbert W. Pierce, operating out of the Exchange Place Buildings on State Street. The Richardsons continued to live on Atkinson Street until after the death of Isaac Loomis in 1894, moving to 167 Troup Street in 1898. William served as a trustee of Rapids Cemetery from 1888-1893 and from 1898-1915. He died on 16 November 1915, age 69, and was buried on November 19th.
Headstone of George, William H, Myra Emma, and Harriet Richardson